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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


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Offline Bilan

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #390 on: June 03, 2008, 11:25:25 pm »
What the Hell does that have to do with this topic.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Shadowfan

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #391 on: June 03, 2008, 11:40:16 pm »
In the post 2 posts before mine, they were talking about the election.

Offline Bilan

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #392 on: June 03, 2008, 11:43:18 pm »
I think youre missing the point here
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #393 on: June 04, 2008, 01:56:16 pm »
More like...


PS: Read the topic title. Or know the original one. You will achieve enlightenment.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #394 on: June 08, 2008, 10:36:51 pm »
Gerbil created a script with which we can play the game Password, and a few rounds in we get this exchange:

<GerbilSoft> SonicAD and genus will be giving the clues
<GerbilSoft> we'll start with genus
<genus> cool, I hope I can use obsenities as valid hints this round
-GerbilSoft- The password is: TRIANGULAR
<GerbilEgg> *DING*
<genus> Pyramid
<Achlys> obelisk
<GerbilSoft> sonicad, second clue
<SonicAD> equilateral
<mike89> triangle
<GerbilSoft> **form of the word
<GerbilSoft> you have one chance to get it
<mike89> triangular
<genus> aw
<GerbilEgg> *DING*DING*DING*
<GerbilEgg> $300: [trIANGULAR]
<genus> my next hint was going to be 'adjective'
<mike89> >_>
<mike89> pass
<GerbilSoft> mike got a guess?
<GerbilSoft> k
<GerbilSoft> second clue, starting with sonicad
-GerbilSoft- The password is: SCHEME
<GerbilSoft> *DING*
<SonicAD> pyramid
<mike89> ...>_>
<genus> lol.
<mike89> Egypt?
<GerbilSoft> genus second clue
<genus> plot
<Achlys> plan
<Achlys> also shit
<genus> *facepalm*
<GerbilSoft> sonicad third clue
<SonicAD> nigerian
<mike89> fraud?
<GerbilSoft> genus last clue
<mike89> argh
<mike89> fuck
<mike89> should've thought that through
<genus> Sham
<Achlys> scheme
<mike89> yeah, fuck you
<GerbilEgg> *DING*DING*DING*
<GerbilEgg> $300: [trIANGULAR] [SCHEME]
<GerbilSoft> achlys, guess the puzzle
<Achlys> I saw it right after I answered
<Achlys> Ponzi scheme?
<GerbilSoft> is it a ponzi scheme?
<GerbilEgg> *** FAIL ***
<Achlys> or a pyramid scheme
<GerbilSoft> it's not a pyramid scheme either <_<
<Achlys> they're both the same thing really
<GerbilSoft> ok third clue, starting with genus
-GerbilSoft- The password is: DICK CLARK
<GerbilEgg> *DING*
<genus> *thinking*
<mike89> needs more thinking music
<genus> Pyramid
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<Achlys> <_<
<mike89> XD
<SonicAD> third time in a row now?
<Achlys> burial
<GerbilSoft> sonicad second clue
<SonicAD> bandstand
<mike89> know your audience, damnit >_>
<GerbilSoft> lolaustralia
<mike89> pass
<GerbilSoft> genus third clue
<genus> penis
<GerbilSoft> ..
<genus> (that's seriously my hint)
<Achlys> obelisk?
<genus> XD
<GerbilSoft> LOL
<mike89> XD
<GerbilSoft> sonicad last clue
<SonicAD> Kent
<GerbilSoft> oh i see what you did there
<mike89> ...ok, genus has completely thrown me off
<GerbilSoft> lol penis
<mike89> Clark?
<GerbilSoft> oh so close
<GerbilSoft> it was DICK CLARK
<GerbilSoft> <_<
<GerbilEgg> $300: [trIANGULAR] [SCHEME] [DICK CLARK]
<GerbilSoft> oh now i see why genus gave the "penis" clue
<GerbilSoft> <_<
<mike89> damnit, i'm not going to get this
<genus> this is the first I've ever heard of Dick Clark
<mike89> its too regional
<GerbilSoft> genus you give the next one
<Achlys> I think I know itr
<GerbilSoft> ...
<GerbilSoft> genus fails?
<genus> my next hint would have been 'lark'
<GerbilSoft> fourth clue
-GerbilSoft- The password is: STRUCTURE
<GerbilEgg> *DING*
<SonicAD> genus: you couldn't do that anyway
<SonicAD> part of the word
<GerbilSoft> genus, first clue
<genus> oh really?
<GerbilSoft> genus: yeah
<genus> know, damn
<GerbilSoft> ok first clue plz
<genus> I'm going to have to go with
<genus> Pyramid
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<mike89> ok this is outright ridiculous
<Achlys> pass
<GerbilSoft> sonicad, second clue
<SonicAD> building
<mike89> pyramid
* mike89 run
<GerbilSoft> <_<
<GerbilSoft> is that your guess?
<genus> no no you should have guessed obelisk
<mike89> i haven't got anything else
<GerbilSoft> lol
<GerbilSoft> genus, third clue
<GerbilSoft> maybe this should've been more than $300
<genus> format
<GerbilSoft> achlys: any guess?
<Achlys> brick
<genus> wut
<GerbilSoft> sonicad last clue
<SonicAD> skyscraper
<mike89> ... ... obelisk?
<GerbilSoft> -_-
<GerbilSoft> it was structure you noobs
<genus> mike: no, clark
<GerbilSoft> ok last password coming up
<GerbilSoft> genus starts
-GerbilSoft- The password is: EGYPTIAN
<mike89> if you say pyramid
<GerbilEgg> *DING*
<mike89> a pox upon thee
<genus> ...oh fuck
<genus> pyramid
<GerbilSoft> :D
<Achlys> tetrahedron
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<GerbilSoft> sonicad second clue
<SonicAD> Cairo
<mike89> Egypt
<GerbilSoft> form of the word
<mike89> Egyptian
<GerbilEgg> *DING*DING*DING*
<GerbilSoft> finally
<mike89> yeah but here's the thing
<mike89> i don't know!
<mike89> like i said, its too regional
<GerbilEgg> *** mike89 is slimed
<GerbilSoft> you really don't know the answer?
<GerbilSoft> sonicad, give it a guess
<Rick> lol
<genus> I'll guess :D
<mike89> what
<SonicAD> umm... I dunno... maybe... pyramid?
<mike89> we won the guess fair and square
<GerbilSoft> is it PYRAMID?
<mike89> ...XD
<GerbilEgg> *** PYRAMID ***
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<mike89> what the fuck!

To be followed by an amusing slipup:
<Achlys> japanese
<genus> language
<GerbilSoft> mike second clue
<mike89> cartoon
<Achlys> ... :(
<SonicAD> bleach
<GerbilEgg> *DING*DING*DING*
<GerbilEgg> er no
<mike89> ...
<mike89> FAIL
<Achlys> fail
<GerbilSoft> dammit i thought you'd get it
<GerbilSoft> <_<
<GerbilSoft> achly third clue
<genus> the puzzle is bleach
<GerbilSoft> achlys third clue
<genus> *answer
<Achlys> naruto
<genus> anime
<GerbilEgg> *DING*DING*DING*
<genus> and the puzzle answer is bleach
<genus> gerbil you are a noob.
<GerbilSoft> i was expecting sonicad to say anime there, that's why i hit enter too soon <_<
<mike89> fuck


Offline Stefan

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #395 on: June 09, 2008, 06:18:37 pm »
that pyramid one.. is the greatest thing ever.

Offline EngiNerd

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #396 on: June 13, 2008, 05:11:26 pm »
ITT GS fails at programming.  I know this is long, but it has some AMAZING moments.

(4:06:28 PM) GerbilSoft: video upload migrated
(4:06:32 PM) GerbilSoft: Tails: try submitting a video
(4:06:39 PM) GerbilSoft: well don't actually submit one
(4:06:41 PM) GerbilSoft: goto the page and see if you get an error
(4:06:57 PM) DrasticMeasures left the room (quit: Quit: This just isn't my day!).
(4:07:13 PM) Tails: no error
(4:07:18 PM) GerbilSoft: k
(4:10:20 PM) RingRush: I hate chain of rings missions
(4:10:20 PM) GerbilSoft: ok, guides autoaccept should be working
(4:10:22 PM) RingRush: specifically
(4:10:27 PM) RingRush: break calculations for cor missions
(4:10:59 PM) GerbilSoft: Tails: you'll need to rewrite the approve/unapprove function in codebot
(4:11:05 PM) GerbilSoft: specifically, it needs to check the permissions table now
(4:11:18 PM) Tails: which I can't do since I can't get into the sftp
(4:11:27 PM) GerbilSoft: there's something wrong on your end. <_<
(4:11:36 PM) GerbilSoft: well it's not a major thing so it can wait
(4:11:46 PM) GerbilSoft: basically, what's changed is that there's now individual permissions for guides and videos
(4:11:52 PM) GerbilSoft: | member | site | permission | value |
(4:11:52 PM) GerbilSoft: +--------+------+------------+-------+
(4:11:52 PM) GerbilSoft: |      2 |    0 |          8 |     1 |
(4:11:53 PM) Antiporcupine: Is the point cap for total break or each break?
(4:11:53 PM) GerbilSoft: |      2 |    0 |          9 |     1 |
(4:11:53 PM) GerbilSoft left the room (Kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 4 lines per 5 seconds))).
(4:11:53 PM) GerbilSoft [] entered the room.
(4:11:53 PM) mode (+v GerbilSoft) by ChanBot
(4:11:55 PM) GerbilSoft: bleh
(4:12:02 PM) GerbilSoft: | member | site | permission | value |
(4:12:02 PM) GerbilSoft: +--------+------+------------+-------+
(4:12:02 PM) GerbilSoft: |      2 |    0 |          8 |     1 |
(4:12:02 PM) GerbilSoft: |      2 |    0 |          9 |     1 |
(4:12:06 PM) GerbilSoft left the room (Kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 4 lines per 5 seconds))).
(4:12:07 PM) GerbilSoft [] entered the room.
(4:12:07 PM) mode (+v GerbilSoft) by ChanBot
(4:12:08 PM) GerbilSoft: site: 0 = global
(4:12:11 PM) Antiporcupine: GS FAILS
(4:12:26 PM) GerbilSoft: 8 = video_upload, 9 = guide_autoaccept (may be easier to left join the permissions_types table)
(4:12:37 PM) GerbilSoft: oh !@#$%^
(4:13:22 PM) GerbilSoft: Groudon:
(4:13:23 PM) RingRush: also lol @hadows post
(4:13:26 PM) GerbilSoft: do you see any fake stat indicators
(4:13:30 PM) GerbilSoft: !mid Shadowfan
(4:13:32 PM) Groudon: yes
(4:13:34 PM) Groudon: one
(4:13:37 PM) GerbilSoft: wtf
(4:13:46 PM) RingRush: Somehow today I was on TSC. I found that I could see fake stats. I believe that this is an administrative power however I'm not an administrator. I'm pretty sure this means that other players(that aren't administrators) could see their fake stats too and possibly change them to so they aren't marked as fake.
(4:13:53 PM) RingRush: 'Somehow today I was on TSC'
(4:13:55 PM) Antiporcupine: THAT is a good one.  I like that.
(4:14:09 PM) RingRush: what do you mean somehow you were on TSC
(4:14:19 PM) RingRush: you were on it because you typed in
(4:14:22 PM) RingRush: or clicked a link in your favorites
(4:14:51 PM) RingRush: ooh, the fake thing is cool
(4:14:54 PM) ***RingRush search ssr for fake stats
(4:15:13 PM) RingRush: :O
(4:15:15 PM) RingRush: SL HAS A FAKE STAT
(4:15:22 PM) RingRush:
(4:15:28 PM) Groudon: :O
(4:15:32 PM) ***Groudon calls BS
(4:15:40 PM) GerbilSoft: !@#$%^
(4:15:41 PM) PPA: I don't have any! :D
(4:15:52 PM) Groudon:|page:0|order:player:up
(4:15:56 PM) Groudon: Go down to SkyLights
(4:16:00 PM) Groudon: He has 4
(4:16:05 PM) RingRush:
(4:16:06 PM) GerbilSoft: wtf you have access to that
(4:16:06 PM) RingRush: So does SJ
(4:16:22 PM) Groudon: :O
(4:16:25 PM) Antiporcupine: Because SkyLights isn't here himself....
(4:16:30 PM) Groudon:
(4:16:31 PM) Groudon: I CALL BS
(4:16:33 PM) ***RingRush has 0 :O
(4:16:49 PM) RingRush: :p SJ has a bsr ecord lol
(4:16:53 PM) Groudon: I have 3
(4:17:00 PM) SJ2: what?
(4:17:04 PM) Groudon: but I can't check any of them for what I might have typoed.
(4:17:06 PM) Antiporcupine: Ooh ooh where are mine?
(4:17:10 PM) RingRush:
(4:17:11 PM) Groudon: 2 didn't save and the other is on an old save I don't have.
(4:17:13 PM) RingRush: SJ look there
(4:17:35 PM) SJ2: j00 fail :(
(4:17:41 PM) RingRush: j00 bs
(4:17:46 PM) RingRush: jews bs
(4:17:48 PM) RingRush: >_>
(4:17:52 PM) SJ2: well I'm doing it over anyway
(4:17:56 PM) SJ2: but its not BS
(4:18:09 PM) SJ2: I think gerbil brought this up sometime ago
(4:18:11 PM) RingRush: alright
(4:18:19 PM) RingRush: I think if someone has >5 bses
(4:18:22 PM) GerbilSoft: ok i temporarily added something to kill admin access for anyone but me
(4:18:22 PM) RingRush: they need to be checked out
(4:18:27 PM) GerbilSoft: something in the code !@#$ed up
(4:18:53 PM) RingRush: like supersonic123
(4:18:57 PM) RingRush: he has a ton
(4:19:02 PM) AlexNavarro [] entered the room.
(4:19:07 PM) RingRush: and they are blue lol
(4:19:15 PM) RingRush: bertin you have a bs stat too
(4:19:27 PM) Rick: whuzz goin on
(4:19:30 PM) Antiporcupine: How do I find my BS stats?
(4:19:31 PM) Groudon: SJ
(4:19:31 PM) AlexNavarro: nope
(4:19:35 PM) RingRush: re check your record for resort island - 3 lap
(4:19:39 PM) AlexNavarro is now known as Bertin
(4:19:45 PM) Groudon: Perhaps the BS checker thinks the centiseconds are wrong.
(4:19:47 PM) RingRush: anit ~ GM - C
(4:19:48 PM) GerbilSoft: OH
(4:19:49 PM) RingRush: that is bs
(4:19:58 PM) Antiporcupine: anit?
(4:20:00 PM) Groudon: But it DID show up as "bs"
(4:20:01 PM) Bertin: I have a bs stat?
(4:20:02 PM) RingRush: also all your one score >_>
(4:20:04 PM) GerbilSoft: ." LEFT JOIN permissions AS p"
(4:20:05 PM) GerbilSoft:                      ." ON p.permission = pt.permission"
(4:20:06 PM) GerbilSoft:                      ." AND p.member = {$this->id}"
(4:20:06 PM) GerbilSoft:                      ." AND = 0 OR = {$site}
(4:20:12 PM) GerbilSoft: problem is i needed parentheses <_<
(4:20:12 PM) Tails: lulz
(4:20:13 PM) Groudon: Also Rolken's EF8 stat is BS
(4:20:15 PM) Bertin: What is my bs stat!
(4:20:22 PM) RingRush: Resort Island - 3 lap
(4:20:24 PM) SJ2: "OMG: 1"
(4:20:26 PM) RingRush: probably just a typo
(4:20:30 PM) SJ2: why is that at the bottom of my stat?
(4:20:31 PM) Groudon:
(4:20:31 PM) Bertin: ...
(4:20:35 PM) Tails: ' OR 1=1 LIMIT 1;--
(4:20:40 PM) Bertin: what the hell
(4:20:49 PM) GerbilSoft: testing
(4:20:50 PM) RingRush: lol anti has 15 bses
(4:20:51 PM) Antiporcupine: How do I find my BS stats?
(4:20:51 PM) Bertin: when alot have better times than me
(4:20:54 PM) Antiporcupine: And do I have any?
(4:20:56 PM) RingRush: you can't
(4:20:58 PM) Antiporcupine: Because I shouldn't.
(4:20:58 PM) RingRush: gerbil shut off acess
(4:21:00 PM) GerbilSoft:|mode:dbcalls
(4:21:01 PM) RingRush: but I have the page still open
(4:21:02 PM) GerbilSoft: ok everyone go here
(4:21:05 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:21:07 PM) RingRush: well, all your one stats
(4:21:07 PM) GerbilSoft: what's it say
(4:21:08 PM) Groudon: "j00 fail :("
(4:21:11 PM) GerbilSoft: good
(4:21:12 PM) GerbilSoft: :)
(4:21:12 PM) RingRush: are marked
(4:21:17 PM) RingRush: I am keeping this page open >_>
(4:21:27 PM) Antiporcupine: It says "GS fails :("
(4:21:45 PM) GerbilSoft: hm
(4:21:50 PM) GerbilSoft: Tails: should i give RR access to fakes
(4:21:50 PM) GerbilSoft: or not
(4:21:57 PM) RingRush: er, why?
(4:22:00 PM) GerbilSoft: also does anyone here see "ADMIN" on the left sidebar
(4:22:04 PM) Antiporcupine: Oh, so we're not typically allowed to see this?
(4:22:08 PM) GerbilSoft: underneath site info
(4:22:09 PM) GerbilSoft: Antiporcupine: nope
(4:22:14 PM) GerbilSoft: i screwed up permission accidentally <_<
(4:22:16 PM) Tails: I see it
(4:22:17 PM) Antiporcupine: Ah.
(4:22:35 PM) Antiporcupine: Too bad, because showing that marker would possibly be helpful.
(4:22:57 PM) RingRush: anti, if you want to know your bs stas
(4:23:00 PM) Antiporcupine: Particularly for stats that are brought up in Leadership Disputes.
(4:23:15 PM) RingRush: Its really just GM-C
(4:23:15 PM) GerbilSoft: it's not visible for normal users because it could potentially be used to figure out the algorithm()
(4:23:18 PM) GerbilSoft: algorithm(s)
(4:23:27 PM) Antiporcupine: GM-C is BS?
(4:23:30 PM) RingRush: psh, I already know how the bs checker works
(4:23:37 PM) Tails: if you want to know what stats you've made up, you don't need TSC for that
(4:23:40 PM) RingRush: just not he specific *CENSORED*
(4:23:50 PM) RingRush: yean anti
(4:23:53 PM) RingRush: probably just typoed
(4:23:54 PM) RingRush: recheck your stat
(4:24:33 PM) Antiporcupine: Tails: That's what I mean.  I have a ton of these in a spreadsheet somewhere, it isn't so much BS checking as mistake checking.
(4:24:53 PM) RingRush: also, all your one scores are bs >_______>
(4:24:57 PM) GerbilSoft: >_>
(4:25:02 PM) RingRush: I say remove a score of '1' from the bs checker
(4:25:09 PM) GerbilSoft: RingRush: do you see an "ADMIN" bar underneath site info on the left sidebar
(4:25:09 PM) RingRush: since there are like 15 of those in this list
(4:25:23 PM) RingRush: no
(4:25:25 PM) GerbilSoft: (refresh the page)
(4:25:25 PM) Antiporcupine: Heh, whoops, I forgot those.
(4:25:30 PM) Antiporcupine: Does that really count?
(4:25:34 PM) RingRush: I'm not refreshing the fake submission page >_>
(4:25:35 PM) GerbilSoft: no
(4:25:38 PM) GerbilSoft: RingRush: open a new TSC page
(4:25:39 PM) Groudon: I see an "Adman" bar on the Fake Stats page.
(4:25:40 PM) Groudon: *Admin
(4:25:44 PM) Antiporcupine: Because if you want me to, I will go back and change them all to 10 or 100.
(4:25:47 PM) GerbilSoft: Groudon: open a new tsc page, does it show it
(4:25:47 PM) RingRush: nope
(4:25:49 PM) GerbilSoft: ,k
(4:25:49 PM) RingRush: should I
(4:25:50 PM) Groudon: nope
(4:25:53 PM) RingRush: okay good
(4:25:56 PM) GerbilSoft: Tails: should i grant RR access to fake stats
(4:25:57 PM) Antiporcupine: I don't want to be at suspicion.
(4:26:10 PM) GerbilSoft: also as you may have noticed
(4:26:15 PM) GerbilSoft: fake stats are shown in regular charts with the eggman icon
(4:26:22 PM) Groudon: yea I saw
(4:26:37 PM) RingRush: anti, probably the bs checker just needs to be fixed
(4:26:42 PM) RingRush: so a score of '1' isn't marked
(4:26:50 PM) GerbilSoft: later
(4:26:53 PM) Bertin: bs checker is broke
(4:26:56 PM) RingRush: yeah, its not that improtant
(4:27:01 PM) Bertin: because I have no bs stats
(4:27:03 PM) Bertin: :/
(4:27:05 PM) Antiporcupine: Grand Metropolis Chaotix, you say?
(4:27:14 PM) RingRush: bertin did you double check?
(4:27:17 PM) RingRush: to make sure you didn't typo that stat
(4:27:18 PM) RingRush: yeah anti
(4:27:24 PM) Bertin: YES !@#$%^
(4:27:30 PM) Bertin: DONT QUESTION ME
(4:27:33 PM) Antiporcupine: My spreadsheet shows what I have submitted... I'll have to look at the save file.
(4:27:46 PM) Groudon: bertin it shows 46:09?
(4:27:49 PM) Antiporcupine: Hopefully it's on the one I have, or else I'll just replace it.
(4:27:58 PM) Antiporcupine: Hopefully as in, it's one of my better stats.
(4:28:08 PM) Antiporcupine: RR, can you privately tell me what was wrong with it?
(4:28:13 PM) RingRush: no
(4:28:19 PM) RingRush: I'm not revelaing how the bs checker works
(4:28:22 PM) RingRush: that would be bad
(4:28:31 PM) Antiporcupine: OK then.
(4:28:46 PM) Antiporcupine: Because I have a vague idea how it works anyways, just don't know for sure.
(4:28:48 PM) RingRush: If you really want to know, I learned from back when I was a break the targeter
(4:28:57 PM) Antiporcupine: Er?
(4:28:59 PM) RingRush: go get a good total time for melee and learn >_______>
(4:29:03 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:29:04 PM) GerbilSoft: wtf
(4:29:13 PM) GerbilSoft: how the !@#$ did it flag a total
(4:29:15 PM) Groudon:
(4:29:17 PM) Antiporcupine: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(4:29:18 PM) RingRush: lawl
(4:29:18 PM) Bertin: wait wtf
(4:29:23 PM) Antiporcupine: Time to confess RR!
(4:29:27 PM) GerbilSoft: and wait
(4:29:30 PM) GerbilSoft: it's visible to normal users too
(4:29:30 PM) GerbilSoft: :O
(4:29:35 PM) RingRush: I'm a bser >_>
(4:29:42 PM) Zephyr: I see...
(4:29:43 PM) RingRush: srslt wtf
(4:29:44 PM) Groudon: wait
(4:29:46 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:29:47 PM) GerbilSoft: that one's bs too :O
(4:29:50 PM) RingRush: totals shouldn't be flaged
(4:29:51 PM) GerbilSoft: ..wait a minute
(4:29:54 PM) Groudon: Since when does the BS checker check anything ring anything?
(4:29:55 PM) GerbilSoft: since when did i implement bs checking on rings
(4:29:56 PM) Groudon: ..oh
(4:29:59 PM) Groudon: yea wtf
(4:30:02 PM) GerbilSoft: <_<
(4:30:04 PM) Antiporcupine: How about this, RR, if I promise I won't submit it, will you tell me what a valid time would be?
(4:30:04 PM) RingRush: did you just flag every one of my stats
(4:30:06 PM) GerbilSoft: haxed
(4:30:09 PM) Groudon: ..HOLD IT!
(4:30:11 PM) GerbilSoft: naah, even better
(4:30:13 PM) RingRush: nah anti
(4:30:13 PM) GerbilSoft: on rankings_table_class
(4:30:15 PM) Groudon: s&a isn't BSed on that
(4:30:16 PM) RingRush: did you check?
(4:30:18 PM) GerbilSoft: if username == ringrush, it adds the icon
(4:30:19 PM) Groudon: I DEFINITELY CALL BS
(4:30:19 PM) GerbilSoft: :D
(4:30:25 PM) Groudon: .
(4:30:27 PM) Antiporcupine: AHAHAHAHAHAHA
(4:30:29 PM) ***GerbilSoft revert
(4:30:31 PM) RingRush: >_>
(4:30:44 PM) RingRush: <+RingRush> did you just flag every one of my stats
(4:30:45 PM) Antiporcupine: Then, how about this:
(4:31:01 PM) Antiporcupine: What should I do to improve my chances of becoming admin?  XD
(4:31:04 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:31:05 PM) GerbilSoft: OHSHI
(4:31:20 PM) Groudon: ..
(4:31:21 PM) Groudon: WTF
(4:31:23 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:31:25 PM) GerbilSoft: EVERYTHING IS BS
(4:31:25 PM) RingRush: expect'd
(4:31:30 PM) Groudon:
(4:31:32 PM) Groudon: .
(4:31:33 PM) RingRush: gerbil stop fooling aruond with it >_> <_<
(4:31:33 PM) Groudon: :O
(4:31:34 PM) GerbilSoft: you know what
(4:31:35 PM) Bertin: lol
(4:31:35 PM) Groudon: HOLY
(4:31:37 PM) GerbilSoft: i might do that next april fools
(4:31:37 PM) GerbilSoft: <_<
(4:31:41 PM) GerbilSoft: actually shh
(4:31:45 PM) GerbilSoft: is s&a in #metroidhunters
(4:31:50 PM) Bertin: no
(4:31:55 PM) GerbilSoft: :(
(4:32:00 PM) RingRush: no
(4:32:01 PM) GerbilSoft: Tails: +h plz
(4:32:08 PM) Antiporcupine: EGGMAN IS ATTACKING US WITH HIS VIRUS!!!!
(4:32:11 PM) mode (+h GerbilSoft) by Zephyr
(4:32:13 PM) Groudon: ..
(4:32:14 PM) GerbilSoft: kthx
(4:32:15 PM) Groudon: GS
(4:32:18 PM) GerbilSoft: basically, in format_value, this code adds the icon
(4:32:21 PM) Groudon: I WAS ABOUT TO LINK TO DSS'S 600+ BS RECORD
(4:32:23 PM) Groudon: +S+
(4:32:26 PM) Groudon: -+
(4:32:27 PM) GerbilSoft: if (admin_check('viewfakes') && isset($datum['fake']) && $datum['fake'] == 1)
(4:32:27 PM) RingRush: hey, RPG has some bs too >_>
(4:32:27 PM) GerbilSoft: {
(4:32:27 PM) GerbilSoft:         // Fake stat! Show the icon.
(4:32:27 PM) GerbilSoft:         $output = "<img src='/images/fake.gif' title='This submission has been marked as fake.' alt='Fake Submission'>&nbsp;$output";
(4:32:27 PM) GerbilSoft: }
(4:32:38 PM) GerbilSoft: <_<
(4:32:42 PM) GerbilSoft: what i did was comment out the if statement
(4:32:47 PM) GerbilSoft: and i recommented it
(4:32:59 PM) Groudon: I only caught 100 of the 637 stats.
(4:33:14 PM) Groudon: But I did catch all 474 of the new stats.
(4:33:42 PM) GerbilSoft:
(4:33:45 PM) RingRush: !player Supa the Great
(4:33:50 PM) RingRush: FAIL
(4:33:55 PM) RingRush: Supa has one submission
(4:33:56 PM) RingRush: and its bs
(4:33:59 PM) RingRush: FAIL
(4:34:09 PM) Groudon:|page:0
(4:34:09 PM) RingRush: I call ban
(4:34:10 PM) Groudon: more specific
(4:34:13 PM) Antiporcupine: I am SO happy I was in here.
(4:34:16 PM) GerbilSoft: shadowfan to post bug report in 3... 2..
(4:34:30 PM) Antiporcupine: Part of this needs to go in the chat logs topic.
(4:34:36 PM) Zephyr: ...1½...
(4:34:48 PM) RingRush: okay, fix the bs checker >_>
(4:34:50 PM) GerbilSoft: Rolken: get over here
(4:34:57 PM) RingRush: so it only checks normal people
(4:34:58 PM) RingRush: so yeah
(4:34:59 PM) RingRush: ban Supa the Great
(4:35:00 PM) GerbilSoft:|page:0
(4:35:01 PM) GerbilSoft: :O
(4:35:08 PM) RingRush: I KNEW IT!
(4:35:31 PM) RingRush: Tails, ban supa the great
(4:35:41 PM) RingRush: he has one stat and it triggered the bs checker
(4:35:45 PM) GerbilSoft: ok all stats are normal now
(4:36:34 PM) GerbilSoft: hm

Summary: Apparently, the admins have a special flag that shows up to a stat when it fails to pass the fake checker program.  And GS accidentally unlocked admin privileges to all users.  And in attempting to fix it, accidentally mislabeled EVERY STAT ON THE SITE as fake.  Good times.

And this is an almost direct copy/paste.  I apologize if I missed any profanity; I think I edited it all.
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #397 on: June 13, 2008, 05:14:13 pm »
And... you edited the profanity why?

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #398 on: June 14, 2008, 08:19:41 am »
Because I don't swear.

Dougedit: sorry, it's naughty but I couldn't resist :D

tee hee
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 09:39:22 pm by ARCANE ALBATROSS OF FOREBODING »
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #399 on: June 14, 2008, 04:13:09 pm »
Because I don't fucking swear.

Dougedit: sorry, it's naughty but I couldn't resist :D
Quoting people who're swearing doesn't count as cursing yourself, especially if you're just copypasting text. Censorship is bad.

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #400 on: June 14, 2008, 09:04:08 pm »
Morelike censorship is uber fail
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #401 on: June 14, 2008, 11:51:43 pm »
Only funny if you've been here since the beginning. Also RPG of all people should know where this is coming from. As they say, "the shoe is on the other foot," or something.

<Starly> I would make a sick joke
<Starly> That maybe he was trying to get an extra life via insulin
<Starly> But I dont feel mean enough :(
<Rick> who are you and what have you done with the real Starly
<Starly> Blast, my covers blown
<Rick> are you making him give you oral!?
<Rick> you sick bastard
<Starly> He offered
<Rick> so you admit it
<Starly> In exchange for his thumbs
<Rick> "thumbs"?
<Rick> is that...
<Rick> mike!?
<Rick> you've kidnapped him too!?
<Starly> I was going to cut off his thumbs
<Rick> you are twisted
<Starly> No!
<Rick> you mean yes
<Starly> So did mike
<Starly> I mean
<Starly> Er
<Starly> Fuck.
<Rick> AHA
<Rick> I have seen through you're clever ruse
<Rick> your too
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #402 on: June 16, 2008, 09:15:07 am »
Doesn't that relate to one of mike's fake chat logs?
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #403 on: June 16, 2008, 04:48:42 pm »
Hell no. Refer to my previous statement of:

Only funny if you've been here since the beginning.
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #404 on: June 22, 2008, 09:32:09 pm »
Happened today whilst waiting for the site to return:

(6:47:16 PM) Antiporcupine: Can someone tell me when TSC should be back up again?
(6:47:25 PM) RPG|EO1: Ask Gerbil
(6:47:25 PM) Italowned [] entered the room.
(6:47:26 PM) genus: yeah, someone can
(6:47:29 PM) Rolken: straight up genus
(6:47:31 PM) genus: Gerbil specifically
(6:47:33 PM) Italowned: :D
(6:47:50 PM) Antiporcupine: ...
(6:47:53 PM) GerbilSoft [] entered the room.
(6:47:54 PM) mode (+v GerbilSoft) by ChanBot
(6:47:54 PM) Antiporcupine: Gerbil isn't here.
(6:47:57 PM) Antiporcupine: ...
(6:47:59 PM) GerbilSoft: i'm not?
(6:48:00 PM) Antiporcupine: Shut up.
(6:48:06 PM) RPG|EO1: LOL
(6:48:09 PM) genus: Stop talking!
(6:48:09 PM) Antiporcupine: When will TSC be back on?
Im in ur TSCz, climin ur chartz!
My presssioussss....

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #405 on: June 26, 2008, 05:53:16 pm »
ITT we all know what PPA is like.

<Chuck> Needs more furfags
<Sephgara> NO
<Sephgara> just no
<Chuck> ok maybe no PPA
<Rick> Chuck: call PPA?
<RPG> Chuck have you met PPA?
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #406 on: June 27, 2008, 03:47:28 am »

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #407 on: July 08, 2008, 11:40:46 pm »
itt mike > Thorn still :(

Thorn says:
also I have done the impossible
I have made all of #retro orgasm simultaneously, scuh that the puddle of cumb has a length the width of Delaware

Mike - Five weeks holidays ftw! says:
this... might not be something i wish to know about

Thorn says:
I meant "I did a good job on a hack and people wouldn't stop talking about it"
not "I did a handjob and people wouldn't stop talking about it" >_>

Mike - Five weeks holidays ftw! says:
well, this -is- retro...

Thorn says:
...I'll give you that

Mike - Five weeks holidays ftw! says:
what, the handjob?
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #408 on: July 09, 2008, 02:31:37 am »
I'll take the handjob >_>
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #409 on: July 09, 2008, 04:31:11 am »
Your hack is out? LINKLINKLINK

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #410 on: July 09, 2008, 09:55:29 am »
ITT SonicAD is drunk.

[23:03:55] * SonicAD_ (18f7020c@82040E36.7C67752B.D676FA3E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[23:03:58] <SonicAD_> so
[23:04:07] <genus> "oh, I see this new pokemon deserves a counter in hp"
[23:04:08] <SonicAD_> I just sfinished the drunken Sonic game
[23:04:13] <SonicAD_> it wsn't much to tloo kat
[23:04:20] <SonicAD_> died like 3 times
[23:04:26] <genus> "hm, everything packs an hp to beat this new pokemon. I think I'll use the old one"
[23:04:44] <genus> also, -nice-
[23:04:50] <SonicAD_> all emeralds perfect save the one usualy (blue/yellow), and screwed up the 7th Sonic 3 emerald
[23:04:55] <genus> but I have to '...' at sending in Blissey against Togekiss
[23:04:56] <SonicAD_> and I was n't able to tape it, not VCR
[23:05:04] <Achlys> ah k
[23:05:09] <Spinballwizard> ...XD
[23:05:17] <SonicAD_> I had like 7 drinks by the time of Muyshroom Hilkl
[23:05:21] <genus> that could have been serious rape with the right set
[23:05:26] <SonicAD_> and ,aybe 132 or so by the end
[23:05:30] <SonicAD_> *12
[23:05:31] <Spinballwizard> New battle, Scizor sets up Agility on Forretress, goes to set up Sub... and Forretress asplodes.
[23:05:34] <Freeway> uh sonicad
[23:05:35] <SonicAD_> fuck
[23:05:37] <Freeway> you ok?
[23:05:46] <genus> ace
[23:05:50] <genus> no, he's drunk
[23:05:55] <Freeway> thought so.
[23:05:55] <genus> observe:
[23:05:56] <SonicAD_> for like the first time, ever]
[23:05:59] <Freeway> spelling shows it
[23:06:02] <genus> this letter is a taco: D
[23:06:07] <SonicAD_> Ib always speel perfect
[23:06:09] <SonicAD_> but probably not now
[23:06:13] * Quartz eats the D
[23:06:16] <Freeway> ..
[23:06:18] <Freeway> <_<|
[23:06:24] <SonicAD_> I still had 99 lives at the end
[23:06:25] <Quartz> I see you're still drunk
[23:06:27] <SonicAD_> like usual
[23:06:32] <genus> SonicAD, you should call all your friends
[23:06:37] <genus> and tell them how much you love them.
[23:06:37] <Freeway> I should go back to D/P
[23:06:39] <SonicAD_> I'm at a firneds
[23:06:55] <Freeway> I still need to make my team.
[23:07:00] <SonicAD_> but besided him, wh, what firnes?
[23:07:01] <Freeway> without ubers of course
[23:07:13] <Freeway> also Quartz
[23:07:28] <SonicAD_> hold on, try :14 on GhZ 2
[23:07:32] <SonicAD_> though, yeah, right like this
[23:07:44] <Freeway> Is Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres considered ubers?
[23:07:53] <SkyL> no way
[23:07:53] <Freeway> I have two people say two different things
[23:07:54] <genus> generation?
[23:07:58] <Freeway> D/P
[23:08:00] <SonicAD_> 0rr bnot
[23:08:01] <Quartz> I know Zapdos is.
[23:08:02] <SonicAD_> go to bed
[23:08:02] <SonicAD_>  bye
[23:08:05] <genus> no, they aren't
[23:08:06] * SonicAD_ (18f7020c@82040E36.7C67752B.D676FA3E.IP) Quit (Quit: This just isn't my day!)
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #411 on: July 09, 2008, 07:01:04 pm »
itt Douglas fails 4 times.

[18:54:44] <GerbilSoft> !~SGR
[18:54:48] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> you know who else spoke german
[18:54:48] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> that's right
[18:54:48] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> ppa
[18:54:48] * Douglas was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 4 seconds))
[18:54:53] <GerbilSoft> fail
[18:54:57] <Maximal|Furrystorm> XD
[18:54:59] <Groudon> Bad command.
[18:55:01] * Douglas has joined #soniccenter
[18:55:01] * CodeGirl sets mode: +v Douglas
[18:55:03] <GerbilSoft> fail
[18:55:05] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> you know who else spoke german
[18:55:05] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> that's right
[18:55:05] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> ppa
[18:55:06] * Douglas was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 4 seconds))
[18:55:07] <Rick> Doug fail at a-join
[18:55:11] <Maximal|Furrystorm> XDDDDDD
[18:55:11] <GerbilSoft> DOUBLE FAIL
[18:55:11] <Groudon> speaking of fail
[18:55:13] * Douglas has joined #soniccenter
[18:55:15] * CodeGirl sets mode: +v Douglas
[18:55:18] <GerbilSoft> DOUBLE FAIL
[18:55:21] <Groudon> speaking of fail
[18:55:23] <GerbilSoft> gonna try it again?
[18:55:25] <Douglas> got it out this time
[18:55:27] <Maximal|Furrystorm> Do it again
[18:55:31] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> you know who else spoke german
[18:55:31] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> that's right
[18:55:31] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> ppa
[18:55:31] * Douglas was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 4 seconds))
[18:55:33] <Maximal|Furrystorm> It's fucking funny XDDD
[18:55:34] <GerbilSoft> FAIL
[18:55:37] * Douglas has joined #soniccenter
[18:55:38] * CodeGirl sets mode: +v Douglas
[18:55:38] <Groudon> TRIPLE FAIL
[18:55:41] <Maximal|Furrystorm> AHAhAHAHAAAAAAA
[18:55:41] <GerbilSoft> TRIPLE FAIL
[18:55:42] <GerbilSoft> lol
[18:56:18] <Douglas> <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> you know who else spoke german
[18:56:18] <Douglas> <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> that's right
[18:56:18] <Douglas> <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> ppa
[18:56:18] * Douglas was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 4 seconds))
[18:56:22] * Douglas has joined #soniccenter
[18:56:23] <Maximal|Furrystorm> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[18:56:23] * CodeGirl sets mode: +v Douglas
[18:56:24] <Douglas> that's why
[18:56:26] <GerbilSoft> QUADRUPLE FAIL
[18:56:35] <GerbilSoft> come on douglas
[18:56:39] <GerbilSoft> figure out how to post without getting kicked
[18:56:41] <Maximal|Furrystorm> Sides... splitting.
[18:56:46] <Maximal|Furrystorm> I don't even know why I'm laughing XDDDDD
[18:56:54] <Maximal|Furrystorm> I think I've drunk too much Kick
[18:57:11] <Douglas> <GerbilSoft> you know who else spoke german <GerbilSoft> that's right
[18:57:11] <Douglas>  <GerbilSoft> ppa
[18:57:11] <Douglas>  <GerbilSoft> >_> <Douglas> furries are nazis confirmed
[18:57:21] <Douglas> WIN
[18:57:23] <Maximal|Furrystorm> Well
[18:57:26] <Maximal|Furrystorm> I'm no nazi
[18:57:27] <Maximal|Furrystorm> So stfu
[18:57:33] <Douglas> HEY WHAT
[18:57:46] <Douglas> YOU'RE A NAZI IF I SAY SO
[18:57:50] <Douglas> EVENTUALLY SAY SO
[18:57:55] <Douglas> <_<
[18:58:07] <Maximal|Furrystorm> It's not my fault you epic fail'd four times
[18:58:28] <Maximal|Furrystorm> Furry =/= Nazi
[18:58:47] <SonicAD> but what about furnazis?
[18:58:59] <Maximal|Furrystorm> wtf is a Furnazi?
[18:59:08] <GerbilSoft> your mother
[18:59:16] <Maximal|Furrystorm> Well that'd explain a lot
[18:59:28] <genus> I don't know, but I want to punch it right in the face.

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #412 on: July 10, 2008, 01:56:10 am »
Thorn says:
also I have done the impossible
I have made all of #retro orgasm simultaneously, scuh that the puddle of cumb has a length the width of Delaware
Clearly it's the muscular body that Rick adores so much amirite?

Also Doug I thought you were better than that. :(
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #413 on: July 10, 2008, 04:46:09 am »
Thorn says:
also I have done the impossible
I have made all of #retro orgasm simultaneously, scuh that the puddle of cumb has a length the width of Delaware
Clearly it's the muscular body that Rick adores so much amirite?

Also Doug I thought you were better than that. :(
I was doing it on purpose after the second time >_>
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline Max Firestorm

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #414 on: July 10, 2008, 08:44:31 am »
I was doing it on purpose after the second time >_>

<Maximal|Furrstorm> Suuuuuure you were...

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #415 on: July 10, 2008, 01:31:24 pm »
ITT Gerbil discovers the truth.

<GerbilSoft> you know who else is a noob
<GerbilSoft> that's right
<GerbilSoft> !~noob
<CodeGirl> GerbilSoft is in 21st place on the overall rankings with 142.6 points, and has 2043 submissions in 19 games: SAdva2, SA(DX), SA2(B), S1, S2, S3, S&K, S3DB, SCD, SH, KC, S1GG, S2GG, SC, SD, SD2, SPA, SAdva3, and SSR
=-= GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 4 seconds))
-->| GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
=-= Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by ChanBot
<GerbilSoft> ...
<GerbilSoft> :(
<Spinballwizard> lol
<Allah> PWNED
<Spinballwizard> rather
<Spinballwizard> double lol
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #416 on: July 10, 2008, 03:05:10 pm »
Why does EVERYTHING good happen in the chat when I'm at work? :(

Offline douglas

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #417 on: July 13, 2008, 02:49:23 pm »
<DsS> Achlys left!
<DsS> The chat IQ went up!
<DsS> :D
<Bertin> <_<
<RingRush> <:D
<Douglas> but not by much as bertin is still here
<DsS> Now, if only we could get bertin to leave
<DsS> lol!!!
<Bertin> <_<
* Bertin ( has left #soniccenter
<RingRush> WIN
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #418 on: July 13, 2008, 10:04:49 pm »
Well by my friend's Stupidity Theory, the Stupidity Factor, defined as the average amount of stupidity in an area, is proportional to the number of people in the room, i.e. the more people there are the dumber the area is as a collective. Therefore, dare I say it, DsS was correct.

<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline bertin

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #419 on: July 13, 2008, 10:10:41 pm »
<DsS> Achlys left!
<DsS> The chat IQ went up!
<DsS> :D
<Bertin> <_<
<RingRush> <:D
<Douglas> but not by much as bertin is still here
<DsS> Now, if only we could get bertin to leave
<DsS> lol!!!
<Bertin> <_<
* Bertin ( has left #soniccenter
<RingRush> WIN

I did that on purpose I hope you know.


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